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With ChatLab, you can augment Large Language Models with computational powers quickly.

  • 🐍 Write functions in Python, use any package
  • 📗 Run in Jupyter, Colab, Kaggle, and more
  • 🤖 Chat with your agents in the notebook


pip install chatlab


Set your OpenAI API key as an environment variable.

export OPENAI_API_KEY=<your key>

You can find your API key on your OpenAI account page. Once you have your key, set it to the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.


There are many ways to set the OPENAI_API_KEY both securely and insecurely. Learn more methods and avoid common pitfalls via Setting API Keys.

First Chat ⚽️

Let's play a game of soccer. We'll write a function to flip a coin to determine who gets the first move. The assistant gets to be the referee.

from chatlab import Chat, system, user
import random

def flip_a_coin():
'''Returns heads or tails'''
return random.choice(['heads', 'tails'])

chat = Chat(
system("You are an experienced official soccer referee"),
system("Form responses in Markdown and use emojis."),
system("The home team captain steps up."),

await chat("**Kai**: We call tails.")

Referee: It's tails! The first move goes to the home team. Good luck to both teams! Let's begin the game! ⚽️👍🏼

Conversation Roles

In the above example, we used the system function to create a Message for the assistant to interpret. We also implicitly created user Messages. These are the two most common roles in a conversation you will use directly. ChatLab captures not just these messages. It also captures responses from the assistant and function calls.

To understand what transpired above, let's look at each Message from chat.messages:

'role': 'system',
'content': 'You are an experienced official soccer referee'
'role': 'system',
'content': 'Form responses in Markdown and use emojis.'
'role': 'system',
'content': 'The home team captain steps up.'
'role': 'user',
'content': '**Kai**: We call tails.'
'role': 'assistant',
'content': None,
'function_call': {
'name': 'flip_a_coin',
'arguments': '{}'
'role': 'function',
'content': 'tails',
'name': 'flip_a_coin'
'role': "assistant",
'content': "**Referee**: It's tails! The first move goes to the home team. Good luck to both teams! Let's begin the game! ⚽️👍🏼",
'function_call': None,

As you can see, there are four roles in a chat. Let's break those down.


The user is you, the human, the person, the player, etc.


The assistant is the Artificial Intelligence (the AI). People colloquially call it "the model" as a shortening of Large Language Model (LLM). The assistant creates messages for display to the user as well as requests to call functions.


The result of a function call is sent with role function from chatlab. The content is the return value of the function.


The system role sets the scene and steers the conversation. Think of it like a background narrator to inform the AI of the context of the conversation.


system is controlled by you. Use it to:

  • Set the tone of the assistant
  • Inform the assistant of conditions

The assistant tends to assume it is part of the overall system and is responsible for communicating with the user.

Registering Functions

Any function with typed arguments can be registered quickly in a conversation. Registering the function will allow the assistant to call it during the conversation.

"name": "flip_a_coin",
"description": "Returns heads or tails",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {},
"required": []

Under the hood, ChatLab inspects your function and generates a JSON Schema for it. This schema is used to validate the arguments the assistant sends to your function.

Submitting Messages

Every time you run submit, ChatLab sends the conversation to the assistant and returns the response. The response is a Message with the role of assistant. Assistant messages can either have content or a function_call. The content is the text the assistant wants to send to the user. When function_call is set, the assistant is requesting to run a function.

from chatlab.messaging import assistant

assistant("Let's play ball!")
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Let's play ball!"
from chatlab.messaging import assistant_function_call

assistant_function_call("flip_a_coin", arguments="{}")
"role": "assistant",
"content": null,
"function_call": {
"name": "flip_a_coin",
"arguments": "{}"

The content is null because the assistant has decided to call a function. The arguments are empty because flip_a_coin doesn't take any arguments.

Calling Functions

When the assistant calls a function, chatlab sends back a Message with the role function. The content is the return value of the function.

from chatlab.messaging import function_result

function_result(content="tails", name="flip_a_coin")
"role": "function",
"content": "tails",
"name": "flip_a_coin"

While you wouldn't normally call this function directly, one way to use the function_result directly is for testing LLM responses to your functions, saving you from having to run the entire conversation or a potentially expensive function. In fact, you don't even have to implement a function to test the assistant's response.

from chatlab import Chat
from chatlab.messaging import (

seeded_chat = Chat(
system("What's the tide like in Santa Cruz right now?"),
assistant_function_call("tides", arguments="{ 'station': 'Santa Cruz' }"),
function_result(name="tides", content="The station is not a valid station.")
await seeded_chat.submit()

I apologize, but I am unable to provide real-time information on the tide in Santa Cruz. It is recommended to check official tide websites, local tide charts, or consult with local authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information.